Lunch & Learn – June 29th at 12 p.m. at the Asheville Chamber. OBA members may attend in person (*includes lunch) while non-members can participate via Zoom link only.
Paul Moon, Regional Director with Land of Sky Regional Council
Clark S. Duncan, Executive Director & Senior Vice President Economic Development Coalition/Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce
Outdoor recreation and gear manufacturing brought in nearly $2 billion to WNC’s economy in 2020. Learn how to advocate for the industry with local decision-makers and businesses operating in other parts of the country and hear how the industry’s continued growth supports local businesses and the region as a whole.
*If attending in-person, please respond with number of people attending at so we can have the appropriate number of lunches provided. If you are from an OBA member company and would rather attend virtually, please reference the email communication titled “OBA June Events” sent 6/16 or the newsletter sent 6/21 for the Zoom link. Alternatively, you can email to request the link.