McHone Performance Training (MPT), located in Biltmore Village, is dedicated to enhancing the performance of outdoor athletes in Western North Carolina. Founded by Steven McHone, MPT offers specialized training for cyclists, runners, climbers, and paddlers in a supportive, intimate environment. Following the devastation of Hurricane Helene, McHone Performance Training showcased resilience by rallying community support to rebuild. Their mission focuses on injury prevention and fitness enhancement. With a commitment to fostering a vibrant outdoor lifestyle, MPT embodies the spirit of adventure in the region.

1. What inspired you to establish McHone Performance Training, and what were some of the initial challenges you faced in creating a training facility tailored for outdoor athletes?
We wanted to create a better way to train for individuals who prioritize outdoor recreation to stay fit and active while reducing orthopedic visits. Our initial challenge was to get buy-in from dedicated outdoor athletes who have always relied on their favorite sports to keep them fit.
2.What inspired you to focus specifically on training outdoor athletes at McHone Performance Training, and how do your personal experiences in the Western North Carolina mountains influence your training philosophy?
Working as a trainer in a corporate box gym, Coach Steven McHone was known as the Endurance and Outdoor recreation sport guy. Spending his free time running and biking in WNC he drew like minded individuals who had similar interests.
After going to a fitness conference in Toronto, Canada that was focused on building a niche in the fitness world. Steven and Cofounder/Owner/Partner Shona McHone flew out the following week to bike the continental divide mountain bike route. They used this time to dream of what the future of fitness and wellness could look like for outdoor athletes in WNC.
3. How has being a member of the Outdoor Business Alliance supported McHone Performance Training during the rebuilding process after Hurricane Helene, and what specific benefits or resources from the OBA have been most valuable to your business during this challenging time?
Being a member of OBA has been such a blessing to have so much love and support from our fellow members and outdoor community. Having resources from folks who know what our situation is and connecting us with resources during a time of need. The check-ins, hugs and support navigating our ship through an unprecedented disaster gave us the beacon of light we needed to come back to fully operational.
4. Can you share some inspiring success stories from athletes who have trained at McHone Performance Training, and how their journeys reflect the effectiveness of your training programs?
MPT is where local legends train, these folks range from weekend warriors to high level professionals in Outdoor Industries.
One of our favorite legends is Bonnie, Bonnie is a 76 year old adventure seeker and mountain bike shredder. Bonnie reached out to MPT looking to build strength and overall fitness so that she could continue to ride her favorite trails in Pisgah National Forest. After losing 25lbs and feeling more fit Bonnie decided to do Blue Ridge Adventures Triple Crown Mountain Bike Series despite being a decade older than the rest of the riders.
In 2025 Bonnie will be running the Marine Corps Marathon in DC returning to the marathon that she ran 25 years ago. At MPT we believe that life lived with a connection with the outdoors is a life well lived. Helping individuals stay active and continue to feel empowered to take on WNC Gnar for a lifetime.
More information about all things McHone Performance Training visit their website here.